Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another Weekend with Time in the Studio

It is early Sunday morning.  Too early to do anything but drink some coffee and try to wake up.  It is still dark outside.  I have a lot on my agenda today, starting with a weight watchers meeting at 9:30 and then a hike around Lookout Mountain.  I need to go grocery shopping at Trader Joe's after lunch and then make some soup for my lunches this week.  I will also cook up 4 days worth of oatmeal with apples in it.  Then, I should have studio time later in the afternoon.

I did do a little work in my studio yesterday.  I research squirrel sculptures to get some help on the clay sculpture that I am making in my IB art class.  That was interesting.  There were lots of plaster squirrels for the garden, quite a few carved from wood, but I only found one example of a squirrel done in clay.  It was interesting to look and I did get some ideas on how to treat the back legs (I had been struggling with this.)  My research should prove to be helpful.

I laid in a background base for my painting of Jetta.  This is another painting where I started by collaging pieces of torn magazines onto the canvas support.  This time, I estimated where her sweater would be and used blue papers in that area.  I guessed pretty good.  Once the papers were dry, I lightly sanded them and applied a thin layer of gesso.  Next comes the oil paint.  Because I will be painting Jetta wearing her turquoise blue sweater, I wanted a background that would contrast with the blue.  I also needed a color that would allow her silver hair to show up.  I selected yellow for this.  The yellow also brings in a sense of happiness which reminds me of Jetta and her tendency to sing her words when we were visiting her this past summer.  Though she is in a care facility, she always seems happy.

I finally finished my painting titled "Rainy & Raven".  It is 24" x 36", made from collage torn magazine pages and oil paint on canvas.  I worked from a picture I took of Rainy & Raven this summer while we were visiting Raven in New York City.  We were drinking wine in a small wine bar, I can't remember the name of the place or the part of the city we were in.  Raven would need to help me out with that one.  I love this picture of my two girls!  The only thing I changed from the photograph was the color of Rainy's shirt.  She was actually wearing a pink/magenta colored shirt but I chose to paint it green for two reasons.  First, it creates a nice contrast against the dark red background.  Second, green is one of Rainy's favorite colors.  I originally had strong black outlines everywhere as this is how I drew in the image.  I decided that the lines were too strong, especially in places like their lips.  I toned down the black lines in their facial features, but did keep some of them.  I struggled capturing Raven's skin tone, but after many variations, I felt as if I finally got it right.  This is a large painting, I am not sure where I will hang it.

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